McVille Days Parade
Golf Cart Parade
Bike Parade
Saturday, July 18th
The Warren Ophaug Memorial Bike Parade
The costume bike parade is a McVille Days tradition where kids are encouraged to dress up in their favorite costume and ride their bikes down Main Street. This is a favorite for the local care center residents. Prizes are awarded to the best costume.
This year the Costume Bike Parade will be dedicated to the memory of Warren Ophaug. Warren was a bike enthusiast and spent much of his time refurbishing old bikes to give to those in need.
Lineup Time: 10:00am
Lineup Location: School Parking Lot
Start Time: 10:15am
Golf Cart Parade
Following the bike parade, the golf cart parade is a new addition to the McVille Days lineup. This year we ask that participants get creative and decorate their golf cart. The best golf cart wins a prize.
Lineup Time: 10:15am Lineup Location: Golf Course
McVille Days Parade
The McVille Days Parade will follow the golf cart parade this year. All businesses, organizations and community groups are welcome to participate. Don't forget candy to throw for the kids!
Lineup Time: 10:00am Lineup Location: Gravel road behind the school Start Time: 10:30am
For more information on parades, please contact Joanne at the City Office at (701) 322-4343 or email
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